October Chatham Conservation Partnership Meeting About Wildlife Crossings

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Assessing wildlife passage under a bridge.

Assessing wildlife passage under a bridge. Photo by David Miller.

Chatham Conservation Partnership (CCP) Meeting

Brake for Wildlife! Transportation Planning for Better Solutions

October 17, 2024
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Chatham County Library – Holmes Meeting Room
197 NC Hwy 87 N
Pittsboro, NC

Wildlife needs to move across the landscape to find habitats for breeding, foraging, and raising young. Roads are barriers to wildlife movement. Come to the October CCP meeting to learn what state organizations are doing to facilitate safe passage of wildlife under roads in Chatham County. We will also hear about recent planning efforts to identify high priority wildlife crossing needs in the county.


Welcome & Introductions

Partnering for Habitat Connectivity in the Triangle
Brooke Massa, Conservation Biologist, NC Wildlife Resources Commission

Guidelines for Wildlife Passage in NC
Travis Wilson, Eastern DOT Habitat Conservation Coordinator, NC Wildlife Resources Commission

Improving Roadway Safety and Wildlife Connectivity through the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization Wildlife Crossings Plan (includes portions of Chatham County)
David Miller, Transportation Planner, Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization

Please note that this is an IN PERSON meeting and so will not be recorded like the webinars we have been doing the past few years. If this topic interests you please attend!

Pre-registration is requested. Register for this CCP meeting.

CCP Steering Committee: Brooke Massa, Brandy Oldham, Debbie Roos, Margaret Sands, Allison Weakley.

For more information about the Chatham Conservation Partnership, visit the CCP website or email info@chathamconservation.org.